8 Warning Signs Your Project is at Risk

In the construction industry, project managers are taught to be proactive, anticipate risks, and plan accordingly. But the truth is when managing large projects, it is sometimes hard to see the warning signs that projects are struggling. We often work in large teams with responsibilities distributed across many people, making it difficult to see the… Read More

DoD Issues Guidance on Inflation and Economic Price Adjustments: Top 6 Things You Need to Know

On May 22, 2022, the Department of Defense (DoD), in response to industry-wide concerns with rising inflation and the use of price adjustments, issued its Guidance on Inflation and Economic Price Adjustments which appears to signal recognition by the DoD that current economic conditions, particularly inflation, are affecting construction costs. Even while acknowledging the “impacts… Read More

Making It Stick: Implementing Project Risk Management in Your Organization

Project risk management (PRM) has for decades been recognized by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) as a project management best practice. GAO has urged federal agencies to conduct cost and schedule risk analyses to anticipate and quantify risks that can lead to cost increases and schedule delays. Recently, we have been assisting several of… Read More

The Future of Healthcare Post Covid: Lessons Learned from the Vanderbilt Healthcare Design and Construction Symposium

Earlier this month, we had the opportunity to attend Vanderbilt University’s Healthcare Design and Construction Symposium where we heard from the nation’s leading designers, constructors, healthcare providers, facility managers, and executives. This year’s theme was Moving FORWARD, a nod to the challenges prompted by the coronavirus pandemic and how healthcare delivery will change to meet… Read More

5 Hacks for Project Managers: Solutions for Maximizing Value and Minimizing Waste

As construction project managers, we spend every day juggling multiple priorities for delivering our projects successfully. We must prioritize site safety while also maintaining budget, schedule, quality, security, operational continuity, and countless other elements of the project and, of course, cooperate, collaborate, and communicate effectively at every turn. That is a tall order, and those… Read More

Construction in Uncertain Times (and 7 Ways to Come Back Even Stronger)

Let’s be honest. Right now, none of us have all the answers. Uncertainty surrounding the duration and severity of the COVID-19 crisis makes it hard to anticipate its true impact or when we will fully resume normal project operations. While in many areas, construction is currently considered essential, all projects are subject to unpredictable impacts…. Read More

Transforming the Industry –
We Got This!

Innovation Forum Recap We recently held an Innovation Forum where MBP team members pitched ideas to improve the way we do things. We wanted our team to challenge the status quo and they did not disappoint. They devised solutions to automate data entry, streamline our schedule reviews, integrate handy phone apps to communicate with our clients,… Read More

A Modern-Day Look at Partnering: 5 Strategies That Will Reduce Conflict and Improve Project Outcomes

As construction management professionals and consultants, it’s our business to think about how people and processes fit together to achieve the best results. Many of us got into this industry because we have a passion for building something bigger than us. Better buildings. Better infrastructure. The power to impact cities and communities for years to… Read More

Adapting to Change: How Being Resilient Will Shape the Way We Work

I had the opportunity to attend the 2019 Dodge Construction Outlook last week to hear top economists from Dodge and Moody’s deliver their forecasts for the coming year. Among a crowd of contractors, suppliers, designers, owners, and construction consultants such as myself, we heard the news that after a number of years of strong growth,… Read More